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Leaders and strategic planners will learn a menu of tools that you can add to your existing planning method.
That will help you get decisions and actions in line with the updated strategy.
These tools will help you look at planning differently, make decisions in a shorter period of time, lower risk and help you keep your organization "on track" - in spite of the ambiguity around us.
Applicable to "fast planning" during uncertain times.
For both leaders and strategic planners who already know how to plan, but need a few more tools to bolster strategic thinking during these unusual times.
Learn tools that will help you:
Ensure maximum flexibility
Manage risk
Be prepared for changes
Make quicker decisions with less unknown repercussions
Make certain your people and organization will support the decisions
We will discuss a variety of topics including:
Scanning that is timely, pertinent and helps mitigate risk
Scenario planning
Working with partners and collaborators
SWOT 2.0
Keeping the momentum going
Ensuring change occurs
Maximum flexibility
December 17, 2020
at 11 am Eastern (UTC-5), 10 am Central (UTC-6),
9 am Mountain (UTC-7), 8 am Pacific (UTC-8),
4 pm GMT, 7 pm CET (UTC +1)
Session is 2-3 hours in length.
Includes: Recordings of live sessions for six months
If you want to be more strategic during these uncertain times
If you want to make better decisions in spite of ambiguity
If you want to lower risk
If you want to get your business back on track
If you want to be ready to pivot (again!)