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Do you worry about the number of employees leaving your organization? Do you try to keep turnover numbers lower than your competitors?
Keeping the right employees for your future is more important than the number of "all right" employees who leave.
I remember meeting a man on the street one day, I had laid him off the previous year, and I wasn't sure what to ask him or what to say. I needn't have worried. He started the conversation by saying getting laid off was one of the best things that could have happened to him. It caused him to become more focused on what he was really good at, and got hired by an organization that fit with that focus. He felt valued, he felt important. So to my surprise, he thanked me for laying him off!
I can't guarantee that everyone you let go will thank you. But I can ensure you that if you know the employees that are right for your organization AND you keep them motivated, learning, and aligned with your direction. Then you won't have to worry about turnover numbers.
So frame turnover differently. Don't panic about the numbers. View turnover as the opportunity to keep your key employees and bring in new employees who are are important to building your organization.
Look at who is leaving and who is staying - and only panic if the employees you want to keep are the ones who are leaving!
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Let's talk about right turnover. Contact me