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Dr. Linda Duxbury of Carleton University says, "Absenteeism is up and employee mental health has declined."
The National Study on Balancing Work and Caregiving in Canada, published in 2012, found that high distress levels were reported in 57% of the 25,000 Canadian workers surveyed from government, not-for-profit and private organizations across the country.
To lower distress levels leaders need to work with their teams to ensure that the right work is being done.
To ensure that unproductive and non-valued added work is stopped and that work loads are realistic. Leaders must also create an environment where employees want to work, where they feel good about their contribution and they are listened to.
Is this easy? No, it is simplier to ignore the problem and pretend it doesn't exist. However, ignoring the issue is not a good strategy.
Want strategies for helping your staff with stress? Want coaching on your own life balance?
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