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I have started writing and coaching on retirement lifestyle planning. Why? I am in those pre-retirement years and as I'm using The Systems Thinking Approach® to help plan the "next chapter" of my life. I'd like to help others who are starting to think about what the next few decades might be like.
I've discovered that most of the advice on the web and in books is geared towards the financial part of retirement planning. While having the money to move onto the next chapter is important, you still have to have a good idea of what that next phase of life is going to look like for you before you know how much money you will need.
What is retirement lifestyle planning?
Retirement lifestyle planning is taking a big picture at what you'd like your next stage of life to look like. Determining where you are going to live, how you are going to spend your time, how you are going to stay healthy - and then figure out the financial part of that picture.
If you don't plan for the next chapter of your life, you might end up watching television all alone and life could pass you by!
In the 5-15 years prior to "retirement" you should start considering what you want the next phase of life to look like, and then saving and creating habits to move in that direction.
Look at these parts of your life:
If you are interested in more help in desiging the next part of your life:
I created this photograph in Bali.