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We all have systems thinking superpowers. Sometimes they are our natural way of thinking - which is true for many people including First Nations, aboriginals, farmers and naturalists.
Some of us need to have our systems thinking superpowers revealed to us. I was one of these. I learned The Systems Thinking Approach® and never looked back.
Once I saw the value of using systems thinking, in addition to the other types of thinking and reasoning I had learned, I became more strategic - more prepared and proactive for what could be happening around me.
There are a few things to learn while developing your systems thinking superpowers:
#1 - Planning and Change are the Primary responsibility of leaders
#2 - Be clear on the purpose and direction
#3 - Scan the future environment
#4 - Be flexible
#5 - Use backwards thinking
#6 - Find the leverage points
#7 - Look at the relationships
#8 - Strive for simplicity
Learn how to unleash your system thinking superpowers! Let's talk -