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Michaelangelo said "The great danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it."
How do you set targets?
Are they unreachable, a stretch or too easy?
Your targets should be realistic, but still a challenge for your people. Your team members will want to learn new skills and put in a little extra effort in order to meet the goal.
The best way to set targets is to involve the people who are going to have to reach them. They will have information that you don't, they'll have ideas you didn't think of, and they'll be more motivated if they set the targets themselves. In fact, if you involve people in setting the targets they usually set them higher than you expected. And because they helped set the goals they will work harder to achieve them.
So think about your targets - make them high enough that people still have to work for them, but not so low that we reach them without any effort. Listen to Michaelangelo - he knew a thing or two about art - and people!
Want to talk more about targets? Want to motivate your people?
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