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Are you a micromanager?
Many leaders that I coach were great at their previous jobs: engineers, accountants, IT. Upon promotion to leader, they want to continue excelling at their jobs. However, their comfort zone is their previous job and they have difficulty letting go. Is this true for you?
The signs that you are a micromanager:
You have difficulty delegating - You think it is faster or better to do it yourself. You still know how to do the function & are good at it.
You focus on the details - Instead of raising your thinking to a strategic level and starting with the big picture, you are comfortable with details first.
You keep close tabs on your staff - You want regular updates on what they are doing. You know they need your guidance.
If you suspect you might be micromanaging start with these tips:
Tell what not how - Share what you want the outcomes to look like and trust your staff to figure out the how - even if it is different from yours.
Start with the big picture - As a leader, you are expected to think strategically. This means always starting with and keeping the big picture in mind.
Ask for feedback - Ask trusted peers and staff to help you be less of a micromanager by giving you feedback when you are getting into the details too much.
If you need more help, the most common area that I am called in to work with is micromanagement. I can help you be a strategic leader. Contact me at to talk!
Photo by Valerie MacLeod