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According to Forbes Magazine, it is impossible to become a great leader without being a great communicator.
I coached Brian, a technical leader who was reaching all the goals at his current job. He wanted to move ahead in the organization, but felt he wasn’t moving forward like he should.
I believed that his quick, not-thought-through responses in person and electronically were holding him back. He didn’t believe me. (Can you imagine that?)
After some discussions with his leader, he learned that his poor communication skills were the reason he was passed over for the GM role. Brian changed his mind about needing to improve his communication skills!
Here’s some communication tips for anyone who wants to move forward in their career:
Be honest – don’t lie to people, they can tell if you are lying. Building trust is difficult, but even harder once trust is broken.
Be personal – use “I” when you talk. You may represent the company, but people want to know what you think, what you believe and if you care first.
Be clear – don’t leave people guessing on what you want them to do as a result of talking with you. Don’t make people guess, be clear in your expectations.
Be receptive to feedback – listen, really listen to what people have to say back to you. Act upon their feedback and tell them that you did.
Be consistent – repeat your message until people “hear it.” Follow the organization’s strategy.
Brian and I worked together to help him "up" his communication skills. He is much happier with his career progress as a result.
I have created a Systems Thinking ApproachTM to Communications Model.
If you’d like to talk more about communications, moving ahead in your career or being a better leader contact me at
Want to read more about communication? Click on Talk Nerdy to Me, 8 Ways to Influence, and Feedback is a Gift.