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Organizations with whom I work often have problem projecting themselves out beyond 3-5 years. They consider this long-term!
Some organizations and individuals are more creative and can think about themselves 20, 50 or 100 years into the future. I think about First Nations that consider their grandchildren's grandchildren when making decisions about the Nation or the environment.
To think long-term you usually have to think differently. You've got to be creative and leave behind assumptions about today. It may not be easy, but with the right guidance we can all learn this new kind of thinking.
Once we have a picture of the future then we can then create the plans to move towards that future.
Is it easy? Will it be right? Not at all.
But being deliberate about where you want to go and moving in that direction will make you more successful than bending at the whims of the current winds.
Using the Systems Thinking Approach® will help. It's a creative way to thinking that allows you to consider the possibilities years in the future.
If you want to view a video of a creative artist who has created a 200-year plan click here: //
Want to talk about creating a strategic plan that works for your organization? Want to have your staff support and implement that plan?
I teach and coach leaders in long term planning. Contact me