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Pat flopped down in my office chair chair at the end of the day announcing she was “crispy around the edges.” We had been working long hours on a downsizing project. “Crispy around the edges” was her term for starting to feel burned out. She wasn’t in full disengagement mode, but was feeling tired and stressed.
When your employees are “crispy around the edges” is it too late to turn things around? Absolutely not! But what to do?
To turn around the burnout process:
Give people recovery time – Give your employees some time off or shortened hours. This will help them recuperate and replenish the energy reserves.
Give them some personal control – When staff are starting to burn out, they often feel like things are being done “to” them. Give them opportunities to make real decisions at work – giving them back a sense of control.
Be gentle – Expect lower productivity and heightened emotions while they are shedding their “crispy edges.”
Leaders who decrease burnout are the kind of leaders that employees do not want to leave. Read more about keeping employees by clicking on How to Treat Employees so They Don't Want to Leave.
What is your experience with “crispiness.” I’d love to hear from you!
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