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After writing a strategic plan many organizations ignore it because they are too busy doing their daily work to execute the plan.
The day-to-day schedule doesn't have any time to implement the plan.
Does this make sense to you?
They spent time determining what is strategic and important to the organization and now they are ignoring it!
I want you to think of your strategic plan as the way to determine what to do in your day-to-day schedule. Your strategic plan becomes the guide for your daily decisions.
It helps you prioritize.
Therefore, you don't fit your strategic plan into your daily schedule - you create your daily schedule based upon your strategic plan.
Your strategic plan includes the important, strategic projects and tasks. If you use your plan to direct where to spend your time, then you will be accomplishing the important things first.
To watch Stephen Covey showing how to get the important things done click here: "Put Your Big Rocks in First"
It you'd like help creating and executing your strategic plan,
contact me