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I call myself a “recovering perfectionist” because I am consciously reducing my perfectionist tendencies.
Being a perfectionist put extreme stress upon my life. I had to have a perfectly clean home if anyone visited, I had to create a gourmet meal. It was worse at work! I worked extra hours to get to a “perfect” solution.
I’ve discovered that by easing my perfectionist standards, I have lowered my stress levels and given myself time to work on creative concepts.
Perfectionism is a difficult habit to maintain as life and work get busier and more complicated. It can cause burnout and health issues.
Here’s some things that I’ve done to find life balance:
Be satisfied with the 80% solution. This was difficult for me to accept but it gets easier!
Get feedback from others if my perfectionism is starting to raise its ugly head
Unplug from the computer and telephone so that I can use my time more effectively
Exercise. Although it takes time, it lowers my stress levels.
Plan. I plan my year and each day so that I get important projects done without rushing. Decide where to spend your time in advance!
Focus on what’s important. My family are more important that my job! Sometimes I need to remind myself of that when I “get into” a project.
Say “no” to things. I used to blog every week, I decided to change my thinking on how often to blog. Now I blog about monthly. And I’ve given myself permission to miss the occasional month!
Say “yes” to things that add value & joy to life & work.
Set realistic expectations of yourself & others. If my expectations are that I can design a complete workshop in one day, I might need to realize that there’s more work & research than could possibly be done in one day. And although I still want my workshops & webinars to be professional, I don’t expect them to be perfect anymore.
Schedule breaks throughout the day. This increased productivity and lowers stress.
Turn off email. Instead of answering every email that comes in when it arrives, I respond to emails in batches.
My life may not be perfect, but I have better balance than I had before. I think it's a moving target, I get a little closer each year! It isn't easy, but the benefits far out weigh the effort!
Are you a perfectionist? Let’s talk!