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Do you feel like you are putting in lots of energy but getting nowhere? Do you want to do more with your life? Are you living in a rut?
Where will you be – and how will you feel – if you don’t make a change?
I worked at a large energy company and I enjoyed my work and the people. But I didn’t feel like I was making the contribution to the world that I should be making.
I felt like I was on a treadmill. Running and running, but not making any progress.
I decided to make changes in my life. I started with thinking about what I wanted to do in the world – how I wanted to make a difference. I was put here to help people find their own answers. I am a guide. In fact, I am Joyful Guide. I love coaching, facilitating and training to help people find solutions to their problems.
So I started creating a plan to live that life. I have a unique background to help myself create a plan to life that life. I had been coaching, facilitating & training for years inside organizations. This included facilitating & training in strategic planning, plus training & coaching in managing your career.
It took me some time, and I am still working on the right balance/mix for my life. But I have been a self-employed consultant for over 15 years. I coach, facilitate and train in strategic planning, strategic thinking, managing change, leadership & life planning.
I love what I do. I have an extraordinary life!
Now, it’s your turn to look at your life: Can you articulate why you were put on the earth? Do you know your mission? Do you have a plan to do what you love?
If you’d like some help, I have written a life-planning book called "Get Me Off the Treadmill!" This planning book is like no other – it guides you through practical exercises to create your own definition of an extraordinary life and gives you the tools you need to live that life. To purchase the book, click on “Get Me Off the Treadmill!”
Photography by Valerie MacLeod