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After the pandemic, we expect life to go back to normal. But what does normal look like?
Do you want your life to look exactly like it did a few months ago?
Or has sheltering in place helped you realize what is truly important in your life. And, therefore, you’d like to make a change to what the “new normal” is going to look like.
I have been working from home for over twenty years, so spending most of my days in my office wasn’t a huge change for me. What I have discovered is that some things I don’t miss but others I can’t wait to get back. Based on that knowledge, I can help design my "new normal."
Before you design the pieces of your “new normal” think about what you want to entire life to be like.
What do you want your life to be like in five years?
Do you want to be working in the same job? Do you want to be self-employed? Will you be volunteering? Spending more time with your family? How will people describe you and your impact on the world?
Once you have a good description of what you want your future life to be like, then start designing a “new normal” that leads you to that future. Ask yourself these questions:
What is very important in your current experience that you want to ensure is in your “new normal”?
What was a surprise that you enjoyed while sheltering in place? Was it spending more time with your family or was it adding a hobby? Maybe it was working from home or doing an activity virtually.
One example for me is I have enjoyed trying new recipes. I discovered healthy and interesting options to add variety to my meals. I never enjoyed cooking before, but this experience has brought satisfaction and diversity to my dining options.
What do you not miss from your old life that you don’t want to be included in your “new normal”?
This is a perfect opportunity to refresh. To see what was in your “old normal” that you don’t want to bring to the “new normal”.
Now is a brilliant time to cut the ties with activities, people and things that don’t bring joy to your life, that don’t move you in the direction of where you want to be in five years.
This is difficult for most of us, letting go of something or someone can be challenging. But instead of “dragging” it with you into your refreshed life, release it now before the “new normal” is solidified and it becomes even more difficult to let go of.
What do you want to add to your “new normal”?
What additional experiences are going to lead you to the life you want to be living in five years? Should you be adding more exercise or more time with your parents? Do you want to join a non-profit or develop skills for your next position?
Remember, that the journey to your “new normal” may not be a straight line. It may take some time to shed old habits and develop new ones. New opportunities or problems will arise. But if you have a good idea of where you are going, and you are flexible along the way, I know you’ll get there.
So make deliberate, conscious decisions about what you want your “new normal” to look like. It will give you energy and courage to continue moving forward.
Write the answers to your four questions. Send them to and I’ll respond.