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What is the best way to be seen as a strategic thinker? What's the fastest route to boosting your strategic thinking skills?
Strategic thinkers are different from others. They think differently than their peers, and therefore, get different results.
Strategic thinkers apply Systems Thinking to issues, problems and plans. They don't jump into solutions, but look at the big picture first.
Strategic Thinkers are needed in the planning process. Strategic Thinkers understand that at the beginning of the planning process they require clarity on purpose and direction, and they scan the future external environment. The understanding of what could impact the organization in the future and staying true to the purpose and direction helps them make strategic choices.
While strategic thinkers consistently follow the purpose and direction, they are more flexible on “how” to get there. They listen to their people at the operational level and delegate decision making to them.
Strategic thinkers are exceptional at managing complex situations, mitigating unintended consequences and making proactive decisions during change.
Are you a strategic thinker? Do you get different results from your peers? If you would like to boost your strategic thinking skills, then let's talk! You learn how to apply The Systems Thinking Approach® to improve your strategic thinking, your strategic planning and therefore, your reputation as strategic thinker.
Learn these concepts and other keys for being a strategic thinker from the expert Systems Thinkers at the Haines Centre for Strategic Management. We are a multicultural, gender inclusive global network that has been applying Systems Thinking around the world for over 30 years.
Look at our workshops and coaching.
Boost your Strategic Thinking Superpowers!