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Systems Thinking has its roots in the Universal Laws of Living Systems on Earth, ecology and biology.
Ludwig von Bertalanffy is the founder of general systems theory. He started The Society of General Systems Research in 1954 with Margaret Mead and three Nobel Prize winners: Ken Boulding (Economics), Anatole Rapaport (Physics), and Ralph Gerard (Physiology). Von Bertalanffy himself won a Nobel Prize in biology.
Their research is used to understand living systems and their internal and external relationships.
Living systems include people, teams, families and organizations.
Many other thought leaders of the 20th century were systems thinkers, including: Abraham Maslow - Hierarchy of Needs; Edwards Deming – Total Quality Management; Peter Drucker –Management consulting; Steven Covey - 7 habits; and Peter Senge - Organizational Learning.
The Systems Thinking Approach (c) is based upon von Bertalanffy's work.
We apply The Systems Thinking Approach to all of the work at the Haines Centre including strategic planning, strategic management, life planning, implementing strategic plans, change management, leadership, human resource planning, project management, and problem solving.
Using The Systems Thinking Approach helps you to be more strategically daily.
If you want to be a better leader contact me