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Mark Zuckerberg used vision to attract a new employee: Zuckerberg pointed out several large tech companies’ headquarters, like Apple and Hewlett-Packard. Then he directed attention to Facebook and said that it would be bigger than all the other companies and if the candidate joined FaceBook then he could be part of it all. The person leapt at the opportunity.
Great leaders use their vision often to excite employees, supplies and the media. The vision doesn’t stay as words on paper, but their vision jumps off the page and lives in people’s hearts.
Here’s some ideas to energize your vision:
Share it every day with everyone. Communicate your vision throughout your day. When you are talking with all stakeholders share your vision and how they can be part of it. Don’t expect people to remember your vision, they need to be reminded of it. Your vision shouldn’t be just somewhere on your website but also in your daily conversations.
Turn all media interviews into stories about the vision. Be prepared to link media questions with a reminder of your vision. When you are asked about today’s situation, tell them that in 5 years you will be 10x the size. The media love to report using stories, so have stories about how you are and will achieve your vision ready.
Share pictures. People need to see your vision in their mind before they can follow it. Share pictures of how it will look – “we’ll build a shining monument to creativity in this pasture” or “our employees will fill this football stadium.” It will help them remember and believe in your vision.
Have a clear vision. Most visions are too long and vague. Your vision should be so clear that everyone who reads it knows where you are going. So vibrant they can see it. If people don’t understand your vision, they can’t follow it.
Review your vibrant vision often. Your leadership team must know the vision and how they are achieving it. It is their duty to discuss it often, and use it to guide decisions. Your leadership team must all have the same understanding of the vision. This means their messages align everyone in the same direction. Don’t forget your Board of Directors. At every meeting, they should be discussing the vision and what they are doing to help the organization reach it.
Use your vision every day, in multiple conversations. Have stories and pictures available to share to help your vision leap off the page. Make your leadership team and Board discuss the vision often.
Instead of you carrying the vision alone, your staff and leaders will start sharing the vision too. A strong vision, followed by many makes for a great future! Good luck.
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