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Future scanning doesn't come naturally. You need to follow a process to continually scan. If you don't scan for possible trends you might get "swamped by the wave."
So if you want to make sure that you can "ride the wave", what do you do differently? Here's the four steps to take:
First, you have to increase what's on your "radar screen." Even if you are a strategic thinker, we usually are only aware of what is in front of us. Read, talk to colleagues. Go out of your way to research trends.
I subscribe to many newsletters to assist me in my future scanning. I recommend you use our SKEPTIC model for thinking broadly about all the possible trends that are happening in a different industry, country or organization that might impact you in the future.
Second, look underneath the trend to see what the basic needs are underpinning the trend. Look at the drivers of change associated with the trend.
Third, assess the trend. When might it impact you? What's the scope of the trend? What might the magnitude of the trend's impact (minor, major, catastrophy)? What's the possibility of the trend impacting you? How quickly should you respond?
Finally, determine what you are going to do about the trend. What responses make sense?
Future scanning should be part of your strategic planning process. Want to add it? Contact me at