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A leader who thinks strategically, ensures that their people understand the strategies of the organization and take actions to support those strategies. Getting people aligned with the strategies can be done in many ways:
Reminding people of the "big picture": when Jack Welsh tells a GE employee that the ongoing relationship with the customer is more important than a single sale, he is reminding the employee of the big picture
Connecting their performance to the strategy: many of my clients use their strategies are the headings on employees' performance appraisals. Together the leader & employee determine under which strategy each of the employee's goals fits
Communicate, communicate, communicate: leaders must continually be linking the decisions and actions of the organization with the strategic plan. You might see the connection, but you staff may not, so continue to make those links for them.
By understanding the link between their daily work and the strategic plan, employees start thinking strategically every day!
Want to "up" your strategy game? Contact me