It's about taking what's on paper (or pixels) and turning that into actions that will drive your organization forward. That will help you effectively reach your strategic objectives.
The strategic plan is the roadmap.
Strategic Implementation is moving towards the ultimate destination while reacting to changes in the environment, ensuring your staff are aligned and avoiding pitfalls.
Strategic Plans don't implement themselves.
People generally avoid change - and change is rampant in a strategic plan. So without communication, encouragement and follow-up, most employees ignore the strategic plan.
(I know I did when I first worked in large organizations!)
The majority of strategic plans are not successfully implemented. According to Fortune Magazine, 9 out of 10 organizations fail to implementation their strategic plans for many reasons:
95% of the staff don't understand their org's strategy
86% of business owners and executives spend less than one hour per month discussing strategy
75% of organizations don't link employee incentives to the strategy
60% of orgs don't like their strategic plan to budgeting
Our Strategic Implementation process addresses these issues and other common reasons why strategic plans fail.
Stand out from the 90% of orgaanizations who fail in the implementation of their strategic plan!
Change impacts you, your team and your organization in natural, normal and highly predictable ways.
Change can cost thousands or millions of dollars in lost productivity, extra work and additional costs, if not managed effectively.
Strategic Change is about effectively and strategically managing changes at the organization, department, team and individual levels – whether a strategic plan or a new idea.
It is having a set of processes, tools and practices to proactively manage the people side of change, create high-performing teams, and influence & communicate effectively.
It is also about increasing the knowledge and abilities to manage future change.
New leadership
Altered strategic direction
Change in team membership
New external threats
Emerging technologies
New job or changed expectations
Review our Rollercoaster of Change model that explains the way people reaction to change.
Investigate our The Iceberg of Change model to help you understand the scope of your change and what processes and structures to update to ensure success.
Valerie always delivers. I have great confidence in her.
Vicki Reid - Team Lead, Community Affairs, Encana Corporation
Organizations don't change - people change. Instead of looking at "changing the way our company does business" look at what you want the employees, managers and leaders to do differently.
Create new organizational structures to implement the change. Your current structures support today's results. You need new ones to make changes stick.
Change usually loses out to day-to-day operational demands. Set up processes, tasks and roles to lead the change.
Being ready for implementing strategically means your implementation is more successful, faster and costs less.
Being ready for strategic implementation gives you a competitive advantage and minimizes risk.
Most people don't like changes associated with plans. But if you use strategic change principles, your people will be less resistant to change and feel less stress.
Let's talk about the many ways we can prepare you and your staff for implementation's changes - both big and small - more successfully than before!
For coaching or training on Strategic Implementation: